
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deep Quotes

Hello friends,
I'm working on my write up of the intro course but its really hard to sit and face a computer when I can hang out with cool people, feast, and garden. But, I'll quit whining and get my act together (5/28 finished it! Its actually below this entry). In the mean time, I want to share a few quotes that really resonate with me from those I call my teachers. Some of you might recognize these.

When you understand, you love. And when you love, you naturally act in a way that can relieve the suffering of people. -Thich Nhat Hanh ティク・ナット・ハン(禅の先生)

Farming is a way of life in which one constantly reaffirms the source of life. - Fukuoka Masanobu 福岡正信(自然農法)

Work is energy. Two crises of our times are intimately connected — the climate crisis and the unemployment crisis.....To make the energy transition beyond oil, we need to bring people back into the economy, bring human energy back into production, respect physical work, and give it dignity. - Vandana Shiva ヴァンダナ・シヴァ(食料システム活動家/エコフェミニスト)

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