
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quotes on Love

Hello friends,
I just got back from the Village Building Convergence and I am super-charged!
Such an amazing experience of permaculture, community and cultural revolution.
City Repair is definitely worth seeking out.
I have tons of pictures and videos but it will take a while to sort through :(

At the moment, I am composing a graduate research proposal
for my University of Tokyo grad school application.
I've been reading from a book that has been extremely thought provoking,
and I just came across a few passages,
in a chapter titled Consumption: A Symptom of Addiction,
about LOVE:

Love is one of those "things" that Fromm claims
we now seek to have instead of to be.

Loving takes commitment and much more;
it is hard work, and the results do not often show up immediately.

(from Sustainability by Design - John R. Ehrenfeld)

and here is one he included in a chapter titled,
A Radical Notion of Sustainability.

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness
-Zhuang Zhou


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