
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5.19.12 Wake Up - Young Buddhists and non-Buddhists for a Healthy and Compassionate Society


"You can build a new house in very little time, but healing the emotional wounds from a devastation of such magnitude takes a lot more."

Please join in 
"Wake Up Japan - Awakening to the sound of caring society."
19th May, 2012. 10.00 - 16.00

Wake Up - Young Buddhists and non-Buddhists for a Healthy and Compassionate Society, is a world-wide network of young people practising the living art of mindfulness. The Wake Up network has grown out of Plum Village meditation centre in SW France, under the guidance of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. One of the most renowned Buddhist teachers in the world and a pioneer of teaching mindfulness in the West. Wake up is a youth movement which begins in Europe and American. Young people come together to meditate, share worries, imagine a new society and realize the mindfulness living. 

In May 2012, Buddhist monks and nuns from the Plum Village Meditation Center in France will be visiting Japan to offer introductory workshops on mindfulness. They are students of Thich Nhat Hanh. They will offer practical exercises in mindfulness of breath, body and mind, and share ways to cope with stress, release tension, and handle strong emotions including anger, loneliness and despair. They will share their experiences of using simple practices to awaken to joy and happiness in daily life and nourish a heart of compassion. 

May 19, is 
 Wake Up - 
Awakening to the sound caring society,

19th May (Sat) : 10:00 - 16:00
Location: Cafe Vayu (Harajuku, Omotesando)
 We welcome young people aged 16 to early 30s to practice with us
Number of participants: 15 people
Participation fee: 2,000 ~ 2,500 yen (Lunch from the Cafe and venue cost) 
Registration: Please email your Name, Telephone number & Email, age, mediation experience (if any), How do you know about this Wake Up event. 
Please contact: Yokoyama Takuya
Mobile: 090-5538-5268

A potential schedule for the day:
Songs and introductions歌とイントロ
Guided Meditation 呼吸法(瞑想)の入門
Panel presentation on the practice of Mindfulness マインドフルネスと言生き方とは?
Walking Meditation outside 歩く瞑想(外?)
Mindful Eating 昼食(一口一口を意識してみます)
Deep Relaxation 食後のリラクセーション
Sharing groups on topics, like: 
Handling Strong Emotions (such as anger, despair, fear), Mindfulness in the Workplace, Communication in Relationships and Saving the World. or Questions & Answers
Closing Circle クロージングサークル

We are of all nationalities and of all faiths - or none. We don't 'believe' blindly in the Buddha's teachings on mindfulness; we each experience that they do just work. When we practice mindful walking, breathing, smiling, sitting, eating, talking, listening and hanging-out together, we experience happiness and peace - a kind of oasis of relief from the junk of life. At last we have a chance to live more deeply, happily and meaningfully. There is joy, relief and healing.

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