Hi all,
this is one of my most exciting projects that I have embarked on. A crowd-sourced, crowd-funded, gift economy style urban permaculture book. The main goal was to create a book through permaculture design about urban permaculture and cultural change. As co-existence revolutionary (my title in Japanese), I'm really trying to find ways to inspire people to live compassionately and creatively so that we can care for all beings. I want to present it attractively, I want it to be oozing with FUN, and I want people to know that its happening!!!
The chapters are EDIBLE, DIY, EDGE, GIFT, STOP. These are the hot topics of my work and what I see in the sphere of global activism. From guerrilla seed planting to burning man to meditation flash mobs. All the fun but deeply meaningful sprouts of hope that I see all over the world. I want to share it far and wide, and I'm starting with Japanese in urban contexts. Its such an untapped resource!
If you want to support me to make this book happen, we are currently trying to raise 2,000,000 yen, roughly $20,000, to self-publish. We reached our first goal of 1,500,000 yen a couple of weeks ago (woohoo!), but realized that the total cost is closer to 2,000,000 yen (thats why it says we are beyond 100% of our goal). Just a week left to go!!!
The crowd-funding site unfortunately has no easy way for non-Japanese contributions so if you want to support me, please send me a donation via paypal. If you would like to contribute to the and receive a book, please send me $35+ and your address! I'll send it by mid-Febuary.