There is a beautiful film called Satoyama that has supercharged my excitement to explore sustainable living culture in Japan. I think of satoyama as a harmonious ethno-ecological area that includes managed woodland/forest, village, and rice paddies and/or a garden.
There are two films (1998 and 2004) both narrated by the voice of Planet Earth series David Attenborough, and each follow an area of the satoyama through four distinct seasons. The earlier video follows the terraced rice paddies above Lake Biwa. The second one follows a Japanese man and his village as they live interdependently with nature. The beautiful cinematography (like Microcosmos) zooms in on the various life-cycles of the creatures (lots of bugs, turtles, fish, birds, etc) dependent on the man-altered ecosystem. The film effectively illuminates the interconnections that exist between various organisms and how we are also a part of that beautiful cycle of life and death. I highly recommend it as an introduction to understand permaculture and ethnoecology, and to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and life-styles of traditional rural Japan. Both videos are wonderful journeys into the depths of little known Japan. Great for kids too!
Ah yes, the interconnections and interdependencies of life.
Below is an excerpt from the 2004 film, from a website that you can watch the film as a live stream, but i highly recommend trying to get a hardcopy and watching it with high resolution and on a bigger screen. It makes a big difference. If you google satoyama you'll probably get websites that stream it or that you can download from.
"Each home has a built in pool or water tank that lies partly inside, partly outside its’ walls… A continuous stream of spring water is piped right into a basin, so freshwater is always available. People rinse out pots in the tank and clean their freshly picked vegetables. If they simply pour the food scraps back in the water, they risk polluting the whole village supply. However, carp can scour out even the greasy or burnt pans. They do the washing up in Satoyama villages. This traditional arrangement is called the riverside method. It’s used all over Japan. Cleaned up by the carp, the tank water eventually rejoins the channel.
Imagine a realm where the season’s rhythms rule, where centuries of agriculture and fishing have reshaped the land, yet where people and nature remain in harmony. Sangoro Tanaka lives in just such a paradise. At 83, he’s the guardian of one of Japan’s secret watergardens.
Over a thousand years, towns and villages have developed a unique system to make springs and water part of their homes. From inside their houses, the stream pours into Japan’s largest fresh water lake, near the ancient capital of Kyoto. This is a habitat so precious, the Japanese have a special word for it, satoyama, villages where mountains give way to plains. They are exceptional environments essential to both the people who maintain them and to the wildlife that now share them."
面白い事に、Bullocks Permaculture Homesteadも里山の一種だと感じています。最近、里山のハワイ版の絵も見かけました。お米の変わりにタロイモが主作物になっています。世界中に似たような民族生態システムがあったのですね。日本へますます惹かれてしまいます。
やっぱりDavid Attenborough ( プラネットアース)のナレーションは格別です。
「田んぼ、小川、ため池、雑木林…人々が長い年月をかけて古くから作り上げてきた、ひとつながりの暮らしの場は「里山」と呼ばれる。里山の自然環境はまた、 多くの生きものたちを育んできた「かけがえのない豊かな自然」でもある。琵琶湖畔の「里山」を、写真家・今森光彦さんの撮影とハイビジョンカメラの撮影で 1年間定点取材し、情感豊かな映像で綴る。
国際的にも高い評価を受けた、NHKのドキュメンタリー番組「映像詩 里山」をBD化。田んぼ、小川、雑木林など、人々が年月を掛けて古くから作り上げてきた一連の生活スタイルや、多くの生き物を育んできたかけがえのない豊かな自然を収める。」
滋賀県・琵琶湖畔には、水と深く関わった昔ながらの 人々の暮らしがある。集落の中には網の目のように水路がはりめぐらされ、人々はその豊富な水を利用し暮らしている。その水路を棲家にする生きものたちもま た、人々の暮らしと密接に関わりあってる。春を告げるコイのもんどり漁、初夏のよしず作り、水辺で人知れず羽化するオニヤンマ、晩秋のヨシ刈り、やがて やってくる冬…人と自然が織り成す、命きらめく水の里。
国際的にも高い評価を受けた、NHKのドキュメンタリー番組「映像詩 里山」のBD化第2弾。滋賀県の琵琶湖北部を舞台に、鯉の産卵や漁師の生活など、水と密接な関わりを持つ人々と生き物たちが織り成す世界を斬新かつ美しい映像で描いた珠玉の映像詩。」

Here are the Hawaiian satoyama, Ahupua'a, in picture form for your viewing pleasure.

Oooo, graphics with words.

I would explain more about the Ahupua'a system but basically I'd probably end up reading Wikipedia and a few other sites and rephrase it on the blog, so its probably better if we all do our own research.
Dear Lorax,
ReplyDeleteMy trusty google alerts guided me to your blog, and I'm happy to find it. I will enjoy exploring your many posts.
Meanwhile, I invite you to visit mine, Satoyama Spirit (http://satoyamaspirit.org), my musings about Japan's philosophical/spiritual connection to the land which so inspires me.
My wife is from Kagoshima and we visit annually, and now live in Palo Alto. After retirement...who knows! We're drawn back to Japan...we'll see how it all unfolds.
Best regards,
Alan Zulch
Thanks, I will definitely check out Satoyama Spirit! Let the connections begin.