To help transition Japan to a peace promoting post-carbon country while enjoying every step of the process. 僕のビジョンは、祖国日本で、平和文化を育みポストカーボン(Post-Carbon) 社会を促進してゆく事です。 化石燃料や原子力に頼らず、他国の資源を取らない、自給自足な国へのトランジションを実現させてゆきたいです。
Monday, December 26, 2011
脱原発世界会議 Global Conference for a Nuclear Free World
I'm currently helping organise the Global Conference for a Nuclear Free World through Green Action. We're trying to design it to be participatory and have concrete outcomes. We really need a major paradigm shift. Fukushima families are still struggling to evacuate, food contamination continues, and the media-corporation-government complex is pushing for restarts. This is our opportunity to shift the global trend, and follow Germany's lead. No more radiation, no more centralized power. Yes to an empowered global citizens movement for a better world. Check out the youtube below and please spread the word.
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