Hello everybody who cares about life!
I want to share a very exciting opportunity, a journey of self-discovery, healing, and ultimately real social change. A path of compassion and understanding.
Ever since I learned about Nonviolent Communication during my college years, I have been convinced that this is a powerful and effective path toward a compassionate world. I gained clarity on how we can solve violence on a personal and structural level. The more I learn and practice NVC the more I see the light a in world of much darkness.
Last year, with the help of many wonderful people, I was able to participate in the NVC Leadership Program hosted by Bay NVC. It is a one year program consisting of weekly tele classes and 3 weeklong retreats. It was quite a big decision to take the program, and I already had done a 9 day international intensive training before, so I was a bit hesitant at first. But, I took a leap of faith and it was truly a most transformative gift that was given to me, and I would love to share that opportunity with as much people as possible.
The program is for those with an understanding and experience with NVC, and seeks to create a safe-place to explore and "live" the consciousness. The quality of trainers are phenomenal, the location is relaxing and full of love, but most essential is the experience of practicing as a dedicated community. To really examine your edges, to practice being authentic, and to support others in the same way through empathy. It feels like a family dedicated to openness and compassion.
Some unique features about the program is that it is year long. That means you have a community to support you for a long time! The retreats are times for intense growth and transformation, but between the retreats you can experiment with practicing in "normal life". Then come back to the retreat with all your questions and struggles. Another unique feature is that there are many assistance to support your learning, and emotional state. When you are struggling with something heavy, often there is an assistant there to support you. I remember quite vividly moments where people were triggered and left the room, only to be quickly followed by a willing assistant. Beautiful. Imagine a world where we were always looking out for each other, helping us love ourselves for who we are, and liberate ourselves from judgements.
I learned how little I understood NVC, how much more there is to learn, what it means to "live" NVC. I love myself more, I have more choice in life, and I can empathize quite naturally. Its no longer a technique. I have a sense that I have grown as a human being, and my compassion has more depth and commitment. This year I'm joining as a voluntary assistant to support others have this experience, and to grow even more. Exciting!!!
Ultimately, this is an impossible attempt to share a rich and beautiful experience, but please consider the program. The trainers and the assistants are super dedicated, and there is so much love that I felt from them. There is still a space for this year, and there is possibility to negotiate some of the conditions (e.g. starting in June rather than January). If this year is not realistic for you then you can try next year. What ever your situation, if you really want to do this, I'm sure we'll find a way to make it happen.
For details please see http://lp.learnnvc.org (website is plain but the experience is rich)
Hope to see you there
Very warmly
Below are pictures of the venue and staff
I love California!!!
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