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Today, I'm helping out with the Future Of Leadership Forum in Tokyo. This started last year when Lynn Twist came to Japan. Then tomorrow, my good friend and giftivist Yuka Saionji invited me to the event below. I'm just so grateful to have so many friends who live to bring peace in themselves and in the world. We have an abundance of creative young peacemakers!!! Thank you thank you thank you.
2015 Symphony of Peace Prayers ceremony, to be held on May 17, 2015 at Fuji Sanctuaryand around the world.
Every year, the SOPP at Fuji is a large-scale event, welcoming many thousands of participants along with an international group of prayer leaders and guests. This year, we are hosting a very special SOPP, in which leaders in many different fields-including politics, business, science, education, and the arts-will join with religious and spiritual leaders from around the world to celebrate the inauguration of the Fuji Declaration.
The Fuji Declaration is an international charter that seeks to awaken the sacred consciousness-the divine spark-in all humanity, in order to spur a transformation in our civilization and create a more peaceful, harmonious way of life on the planet Earth. The declaration has been endorsed by a wide range of prominent individuals around the world who support its ideals and goals.
As a global celebration of harmony and oneness where people from all different backgrounds join together to pray for peace and create a better world, the SOPP at Fuji Sanctuary was seen as the perfect occasion to inaugurate this historic document. Already, the staff of Byakko Shinko Kai are busy preparing and upgrading the grounds of Fuji Sanctuary to get ready for this momentous occasion!
And of course, the 2015 SOPP will include its core programs of ‘Praying with the Religions of the World’ and ‘Prayers for Peace in Each Country and Region’. We are looking forward to conducting these programs with the many new guests and participants who will be experiencing them for the first time. It is our hope that in launching the Fuji Declaration amidst the harmonious, unifying energy of the SOPP, the combined power of these two events will further expand their reach, urging humanity to awaken to its true, divine nature even one day sooner.
The 2015 SOPP ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary is free of charge and open to all. Please contact us if you are interested in attending or need further information. The ceremony will also be broadcast live over the internet, and we invite everyone to tune in. The link for the webcast will be posted here closer to May 17.
Even if you will not be in Japan this May, we hope you will take part in the SOPP by attending or organizing a local ceremony or prayer gathering. The SOPP website has a map with events taking place around the world, and many inspiring resources to help you create your own beautiful peace gathering. If you will be hosting an event or even praying at home on your own, please register on the SOPP website and let us know about it! The more people who take part, the stronger the vibrations of peace and harmony we will send out across the world!
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
Symphony of Peace Prayersとは「シンフォニー・オブ・ピース・プレーヤーズ(SOPP)」は、さまざまな宗教を信仰する人々が一堂に会し、輝かしい未来の平和を創造してゆくための聖なる場であります。
― 富士聖地SOPPでの西園寺昌美のスピーチより
2013年2月14日、アメリカ・ニューヨークの国際連合本部総会議場で、「United for a Culture of Peace Through Interfaith Harmony(宗教間の調和を通じた平和の文化のための結束)」という行事が開催され、第2部の中で「シンフォニー・オブ・ピース・プレヤーズ(SOPP)」が行なわれました。このプログラムでは、11人の宗教代表者が、各宗教宗派の平和の祈りを行ない、その冒頭で、本会西園寺昌美会長が、SOPPの提唱者としてスピーチを行ないました。
Today, I'm helping out with the Future Of Leadership Forum in Tokyo. This started last year when Lynn Twist came to Japan. Then tomorrow, my good friend and giftivist Yuka Saionji invited me to the event below. I'm just so grateful to have so many friends who live to bring peace in themselves and in the world. We have an abundance of creative young peacemakers!!! Thank you thank you thank you.
2015 Symphony of Peace Prayers ceremony, to be held on May 17, 2015 at Fuji Sanctuaryand around the world.
Every year, the SOPP at Fuji is a large-scale event, welcoming many thousands of participants along with an international group of prayer leaders and guests. This year, we are hosting a very special SOPP, in which leaders in many different fields-including politics, business, science, education, and the arts-will join with religious and spiritual leaders from around the world to celebrate the inauguration of the Fuji Declaration.
The Fuji Declaration is an international charter that seeks to awaken the sacred consciousness-the divine spark-in all humanity, in order to spur a transformation in our civilization and create a more peaceful, harmonious way of life on the planet Earth. The declaration has been endorsed by a wide range of prominent individuals around the world who support its ideals and goals.
As a global celebration of harmony and oneness where people from all different backgrounds join together to pray for peace and create a better world, the SOPP at Fuji Sanctuary was seen as the perfect occasion to inaugurate this historic document. Already, the staff of Byakko Shinko Kai are busy preparing and upgrading the grounds of Fuji Sanctuary to get ready for this momentous occasion!

The 2015 SOPP ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary is free of charge and open to all. Please contact us if you are interested in attending or need further information. The ceremony will also be broadcast live over the internet, and we invite everyone to tune in. The link for the webcast will be posted here closer to May 17.
Even if you will not be in Japan this May, we hope you will take part in the SOPP by attending or organizing a local ceremony or prayer gathering. The SOPP website has a map with events taking place around the world, and many inspiring resources to help you create your own beautiful peace gathering. If you will be hosting an event or even praying at home on your own, please register on the SOPP website and let us know about it! The more people who take part, the stronger the vibrations of peace and harmony we will send out across the world!
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
Symphony of Peace Prayersとは「シンフォニー・オブ・ピース・プレーヤーズ(SOPP)」は、さまざまな宗教を信仰する人々が一堂に会し、輝かしい未来の平和を創造してゆくための聖なる場であります。
― 富士聖地SOPPでの西園寺昌美のスピーチより
2013年2月14日、アメリカ・ニューヨークの国際連合本部総会議場で、「United for a Culture of Peace Through Interfaith Harmony(宗教間の調和を通じた平和の文化のための結束)」という行事が開催され、第2部の中で「シンフォニー・オブ・ピース・プレヤーズ(SOPP)」が行なわれました。このプログラムでは、11人の宗教代表者が、各宗教宗派の平和の祈りを行ない、その冒頭で、本会西園寺昌美会長が、SOPPの提唱者としてスピーチを行ないました。
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