Tahini seems to be one of the most exciting things happening on the homestead. There has been tahini gorge fests, and generally mentioning tahini (pronounced tahaenai) will set forth a chain of blissful cheers. One of the interns bought a 40 pound bucket of tahini and it just arrived today. This is the scene of the tahini dealer filling in the jars of the fanatically joyful. I think it came out to 1 pound of RAW organic tahini for $4 per pound (including shipping). As the dealer pronounced, "that's a screaming deal." The trend so far is to mound tahini on slivers of apples out of the cold storage, and then dropping it into the mouth to embark on a trip into tahini heaven. I think tahini gets this group more excited than anything else. People are pretty excited about millet too, but definitely not as much as the tahaenai. The tahini says made in Mexico, which is a bit mentally tricky for me as that seems a bit far for such as heavy substance to travel. Oh well, I guess it is also important to be flexible at times with the local diet.......for now. Not sure about the labor practices where they produce this stuff either.
Food is tricky! (especially when it comes from afar).
But who cares,
let us rejoice,
for tahaenai is here!
研修生の中でタヒーニー(練りごま)ほど盛り上がるものはないです。タヒーニーというだけで歓声があがり、興奮し始める研修生は少なくありません。今日、有機農法で生の(加熱されていない)タヒーニーのバケツ(18キロ以上)がブッロクスの所に届きました。今にも祭りが始まりそうな雰囲気でした。お菓子の山でわくわくする子供のように、タハエナエ(彼ら流の言い方)と叫び、Lord of the RingsをBGMとして歌いながら「ブツ」の蓋が開かれたのです。その反応は金一杯の宝箱を開けた海賊をかわいくしたような満足感と幸せいっぱいのエキスプレッション。買った研修生はディーラーとなりみんなの瓶に入れ始めました。写真はその入れている最中を捕らえたものです。極楽。一瓶900グラムで$8!安!祭りはピーク状態。ここで人気なのは、去年収穫されて倉庫で保存されているりんごをスライスして、どっぷりとタヒーニーを載せてタヒーニー天国に旅立つ食べ方です。その表情はエクスタシー。
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