On thursday we all rallied to finish planting out winter squash transplants.
All sorts of varieties were planted, Kabocha (of course!), Buttercup, Tetsukabuto, Black Forest, Sweet Meat, Delicata, Australian Butter, etc. Can't wait to eat them!
The main challenges for winter squash growing is slug predation during the early stages, vigorous weds, and getting enough heat. The black plastic mulch is to suppress weeds and collect heat.
1. 穴の位置を確定しから深い穴を掘って、そこに肥料をまぜこみました。蟹の粉末(蟹肉を除いた部分)、海藻の粉末、コンポスト、熟成された馬糞の豪華な組み合わせ!苗を植えた後に鶏の糞を粒状にされたものを上から振りかけました。工夫をした点は、プラスチックシートを穴の中下向きに織り込みながら穴の周りを土で被せた事です。横から忍び寄って芽をだす雑草を除外しながら、ナメクジやカタツムリが隠れないようにします。
1. After measuring out where the holes should be, we dug deep holes and filled them with a combination steer manure, compost, chicken pellets, kelp meal,and crab meal. The value meal!
*Tucking in the plastic mulch (in this case a salvaged tarp) around the holes and covering beyond the hole with growing medium (soil/compost) is a tactic to prevent running grass from popping out from the openings, and keeping slugs and snails from living and hiding around the transplantlings.
2. 各穴にカボチャの苗を二つずつ植えました。右上の写真はプラスチックマルチなしで植えた部分です。溝は 貯水のためで苗を植えた丘は、水はけを良くするためです。
2. Then we planted 2 transplants per mound. This picture on the right is a section that has no plastic mulch. The berm is to concentrate water in that area while the mound will keep the transplants dry so they don't get funky fungi.
3. Next we covered the tiny transplants with hot caps (these are plastic bulk oil and other foodstuff containers that had the bottoms cut off). Burying the edges in the soil is another tactic to keep slugs and snails from hanging out in the containers and ravaging the tender sprouts of winter squash.
4. 最後に水をやって、水やり用のドリップテープをしきました。
4. They were watered in and drip tape was set up.
Bada bing, bada boom.
Doug reminded us to check up on the plantings daily to see how the plants are doing, as they are delicate in the early stages especially slug and snail predation.
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