Hi everybody! Well its been a longer hiatus than i would have liked but I'm back. Lets see how well I can organize the several hundred pictures and stories since my last entry.....ahhhhhhhhh. Breathing in, breathing out. Present moment, wonderful moment (I just got back from my other favorite community, Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, CA). Anyways, lets get the party started with Design Projects from the PDC.
We were divided in groups of about 5~6 people to go through the Pc (permaculture) design process and present to the whole group on the last day of the course. With limited time and increasing stress (for some), the key to this project is designing good group processes. Its important to remember that 1. we need to be able to work together to make the world a better place 2. the design project is an activity for learning, not to rush-produce the perfect product. Good PROCESS usually leads to exquisite outcomes.
0. Group Process グループのデザイン
First step of the design project is to design the group! Setting up social infrastructure and teaching each other tools for effective interactions/good relations. Breathing, checking in, and establishing effective community practices (aka ground rules) are a wonderful way to start. We did an intro to effective meetings in preparation for this design project. Mostly inspired by my work with the Education for Sustainable Living Program at UCSC (mad props!).
1. Meet the Land, Meet the Client (Observation) 土地とクライエントを理解する
After an initial meeting with our group members, we were assigned a piece of land that we would work with. One of the most important practices that Pc emphasizes is OBSERVATION. Its easy to get sucked into designing and imposing our ideas onto things, but observing what exists and doesn't exist is essential for good design. Most groups walked their land and took notes of key features and inspirations.
Then we met with our clients. They were anybody from a married man wanting to entice his wife to a simple life in a food forest to a wealthy eccentric New York dancer's vacation home. Our client was a former oil-rig worker with 3 wives and unknown number of kids who wanted to make primitive weapons and natural poisons for hunting. It was a challenging exercise to ask essential questions without asking the client design questions, e.g. :"do you want the house here or there", "do you want a wind generator?"
This second step of this design process is ASSESSING NEEDS AND RESOURCES. What assets and limitations are we working with. For instance, sacred sites, access, hydrology, wind, fire, sun, flora, fauna, erosion, soil type, existing structures, neighbors, natural disasters, history of the land, etc. All essential information will then be compiled into a basemap. The notes from the client interview are also compiled into a document.
2. Create a Vision and set objectives ビジョンと目標の作成
Based on the needs, resources, and client what are we trying to create. What are specific themes that we will incorporate into the design. This helps to guide the design process.
3. Conceptual Design コンセプトデザイン
How do different elements relate to each other? How will energy/water flow through the design? What are the needs and functions of chickens? An exploration of systems design. Tools we can use are random assembly, flow diagrams, needs/yields analysis, etc.
4. Master Planning マスタープラン
From our handout, "Place the elements of these Systems in a 'functional matrix' -- create beneficial connections between elements within each system, and connections between the larger systems" utilizing Pc design principles. (Bullock's PDC 2010). The product that comes out of this process is the Master plan which shows a visual depiction of the design to scale. Having a good basemap really helps for creating the master plan. Beautiful pictures will follow.
5. Implementation 実行プラン
Logistics and stuff. Budget, phased implementation, sources for labor and materials, feedback loops to assess and adjust systems. In terms of our project we were expected to have a phased implementation plan, what do we need to set up first (e.g. water systems, living space (temporary?), electricity), then the following year (or as funds/time allows) what do we add/adjust, etc.
The assignment included a base map, vision statement and objectives, master plan, phased implementation, final presentation (every member was expected to present), and details (each member worked on a specific detail such as budget, water system, planting scheme, etc.).
Alright, so for everybody's favorite part......PICTURES!!!!
3 groups sharing space with the tomatoes late into the night.
their "love trap" captured John's heart.
and here are a few close-ups of the graphics
CLICK to enlarge.
CLICK to enlarge.
and not to forget the true stars of this project....
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